I am a baby boomer growing up in the North, but my family roots lie in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with all the traditional Louisiana southern-style cooking. I grew up with my family, especially my mother eating every part of the pig.

We grew up cooking with Lard, not knowing the health benefits of Lard for our minds and body. What I learned about the other healthy fats include beef tallow, lamb tallow, chicken tallow, grass-fed butter, and coconut oil. This blog shares the benefits I found with Lard and the power of saturated fat in Lard.

In the early years when Lard was a part of the American diet, the following health issue was not a problem regarding heart disease, cancer, or diabetes; these diseases were rare before the 1900s. Americans needed to understand the power of saturated animal fat on their table.

Psalm 23: 5 God said, “He prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil. Our enemies have been exposed for lying about healthy and unhealthy fat, all for the love of money.

Saturated fats protect people who consume them daily to ensure fat-soluble nutrients, which these vitamins dissolve in the fat and are stored in the tissue; this way, the body has access to them when needed. We had yet to learn that saturated fat protected our immune system with Lard. The pig back fat will produce a lard lower in saturated fat if the pigs are raised on pasture, which would be richer in vitamin D since the skin is where the vitamin D is manufactured. Many Americans at that time had their animals outside exposed to the sun.

Healthy animals raise the traditional way, allowing them free range on the farm, feeding them food designed for animals, and eating these animals also benefits the next generation. Mothers breastfeeding and eating Lard gave their babies fat like human breast milk’s fatty acid composition. So the combination of the fat in the breast milk lactation and Lard provides the baby with a double boot of healthy fat.

This healthy fat also makes sex hormones very important to have a baby. In one of Sally Fallon’s presentations, the president of the Weston A Price Foundation said that the Indian people had no problem having children. If they did, they would eat the fat from the buffalo.”

Many Americans today are on a low-fat diet or eat seed oil vegetables which are not healthy and are having trouble getting pregnant. All our sex hormones are made from cholesterol, which is in Lard. Maybe that is why my grandparents on my mother’s side had 18 children, and 15 live to be old age. Three died at birth.

Oleic acid in Lard can affect the brain which can help with mood, relax, and aid in depression, mainly because your brain is 60% fat, and our forefathers fed their brains what they needed to eat healthy fat. Our brain needs cholesterol. DHA. Omega 3. Dr. Tristan Wallis at The University of Queensland Australia, Queensland Brain Institute, wrote an article on Saturated Fatty acid levels increase when making memories on June 28, 2021.

“The brain is the fattest organ in the body, being 60 percent fat, which provides energy and structure and assists in passing messages between brain cells.”

“Fatty acids are the building blocks of lipids or fats and are vital for communication between nerve cells because they help synaptic vesicles — microscopic sacs containing neurotransmitters—to fuse with the cell membrane and pass messages between the cells.”

“The highest concentration of saturated fatty acids was found in the amygdala — the part of the brain involved in forming new memories specifically related to fear and strong emotions.”

The amygdala is a part of the brain’s temporal lobe involved in the emotion of fear and aggression.

If we get gallstones, our body can show us a low-fat or bad-fat diet. Adding healthy Lard is
inexpensive to stop gallstone problems by adding healthy fat to your diet.
Lard is loaded with vitamin D to help with calcium absorption in the body. Lard is reasonable to
allow one to feel satisfied and not constantly hungry. It also is excellent for bone health.
Healthy fat is excellent for the heart and supports gut autoimmune health.

What is Lard?
Lard comes from three different places from the pig: the back fat and area around the kidneys and belly fat are higher in saturated fat, and the back fat produces Lard lower in saturated fat. Lard can come from two different places on the pig. Pigs are fat factories, after all! Depending on how the pigs are raised and their breed, much of the fat can be found under the skin and is called Back Fat. Back fat produces Lard much lower in saturated fat, and this area tends to be richer in Vitamin D if the pigs are raised on pasture since the skin is where vitamin D is manufactured.

The other area pigs store fat is around the kidneys (like all mammals), and kidney fat (Leafy)
tends to be higher in saturated fat and, therefore, will be stiffer and harder at a given temperature. Either one from a pig tends to be much more unsaturated than Tallow, meaning it is softer and more pliable.
Lard is pure pork fat. It’s made by rendering the fat from the rest of the animal tissue. Rendering is the process of separating the fat through boiling, steaming, or using dry heat. ( Lard smoking point is 374 F).

Recipe: Pork fat: Leafy Fat, Back Fat, Belly Fat

Cutting Board
Large Stock Pot
Find Strainer
Cheese Cloth

Dice fat into small pieces and put them into a large stock pot depending on the amount of fat. I do not use water. Put the fat on very low and stir very often to avoid sticking at the bottom of the pot. As the fat cooks down the fat will start to look brown and the oil will increase. Once it stops bubbling in the cooking and more simmer it is done. It can take up to 3 to 4 hours.

Resource; Dr. Eric Berg DC/ Youtube
The University of Queensland – Saturated fatty acid levels increase when making memories


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