Nature’s Gift Colostrum is a pure bovine colostrum that is standardized to provide 25% immunoglobulins, nutrients that have been clinically shown to support the immune system. Nature’s Gift Colostrum is unaltered in content and subjected to as few changes as possible in order to preserve its natural wholesomeness. This colostrum product is produced from healthy, nutritionally-supplemented cows raised in the United States in USDA and FDA certified dairy farms. These cattle are carefully fed a scientifically-designed diet that contains the proper balance of legumes and grasses along with minerals and trace minerals to ensure consistently high potency colostrum.
Nature’s Gift Colostrum is high in immunoglobulin content and growth factors. Much of the colostrum being sold today is processed from cows raised in sub-tropical climates. This colostrum is from cattle raised in the United States where winters are long and harsh. Calves born in the winter months must survive bitter sub-zero temperatures and cold northwest winds. The colostrum produced by their vigorous mothers must be the richest in immunoglobulins and other important immune and growth factors in order for their newborn to survive.
Nature’s Gift Colostrum is manufactured according to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices); sourced from USDA and FDA certified dairies; collected within 12 hours of production; free of synthetic hormones, pesticides, and antibiotics; processed using minimal heat to ensure the bioavailability of its nutritional factors, and unadulterated to maintain its natural wholeness and nutrition.
One teaspoon of Nature’s Gift Colostrum provides 5 grams of bovine colostrum.
Each bottle of Nature’s Gift Colostrum provides 4 fluid ounces (120 ml). Recommended Usage: As a dietary supplement, take one teaspoon (5 ml) per day, one-half hour before mealtime. Allow to remain in mouth 30 seconds before swallowing. May be mixed with juice. Refrigerate product after opening.
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